There are tons of qualities to check in order to say that someone is a good Father. But for me, it is when you hope and pray, when the right time comes, that your daughter also finds someone like her Papa.
I fought a good battle to end up with my husband, for I know for sure that he will not only become an amazing husband but also a wonderful father. To date he would only do kind deeds and say kind words, he dreams the best for us and works the hardest to achieve them. Remains simple and never fancy, humble and shy. His world revolves around us and ours on him.
I hope we all find that someone who would always choose to be kind no matter the circumstances are. Someone who won’t mind boiled eggs for dinner on days you don’t feel like cooking. Who would draw you a warm bubble bath on days you’re tired and exhausted. Someone who would choose your mental and physical health over a clean house. The one that appreciates all your cooking because he knows you prepared everything with love. Who gets up early to take care of the baby so you could have extra hours of sleep. Who does house chores with you because together, chores become fun and easy! Someone who chooses to see past your psychotic bouts when hormones go wild.
That one who makes you ask yourself this sometimes: “How can this kind of love exist?”. 🙂
To my daughter’s Papa, my ever so loving husband, we will thank God everyday for you! <3

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